Working in the medium of skills for more than a decade, I designed and created three concepts which work together.
Skills Based Approach (methodology) + Skills Label (system) + Skills Culture (growth mindset) = platform for lifelong learning
Beyond each sharing a deep, all-in commitment to skills, there are technical reasons why:
Skills Based Approach
Constantly Cycle Through Four Stages with an Evolving Skill Set
- Simple, easy to understand for learners and practitioners alike.
- Color coded stages (reinforcement).
- Declared actions for each stage (tasks, objectives, platforms, and credentials).
- Accepts new technologies, applications (simply plug them into a stage). (Like plugging in Skills Label.)
Skills Label
Map Learning in Skills. Map Jobs in Skills. Combine to Create Pathways.
- Represents a task well in Skills Based Approach app.
- Skill Points.
- Useful to summarize work in skills. Part of Skills Based Approach app.
- Skill Emblems.
- Good way to present (signal) skills work and achievements.
- Good way to manage and track skills.
- A good number of apps and web applications already built for the system.
Skills Culture
Every Experience is an Opportunity to Apply Skills.
- A mentality for both Skills Label and Skills Based Approach.
- The human element. Separates tracking skills and practicing actions, with deliberate practice – being conscientious and in the moment. (Does not require an app.)
- Takes concentration like practicing karate, debating, or playing chess. It is mindful and enduring.