Quantify Skills in Job Descriptions

Sunday, 22 March 2020 1334 Views

I suggest we use skills to define job requirements and learning expectations like we use atoms to define substances, get deeper by working with standards, methods, and applications (like sub-atomic particles), and calibrate to different levels using a numerical representation (Skill Points ®). Regarding learning, I made this analogy many times; so, let’s see how this works with job requirements.

There is functionality to create a job description within the learning labels system. This is not meant to replace, but rather supplement or augment this well-established format. Many of the standard sections / fields are included, along with a skills section that is designed to get the required information to calculate Skill Points ®. Use the same or a slightly modified algorithm as with the learning labels to calculate Skill Points ®; this works skill by skill, with the same skill growth rates, variables, and coefficients. The main objective is to connect the learning expressed by the labels with a job description; then, with enough learning labels in place, create learning pathways. This is how the linkage works:

  • Quantify required skills for a job, both in past experience and first year application, using Skill Points ®.
  • Use Skills Label TM to define learning tasks; quantify learning using Skill Points ®.
  • Overlap the job requirements with learning expectations to create effective learning pathways.

The creation of job descriptions is accessible to users with a valid admin account for free. Like with the learning labels, each job description gets a unique landing page and URL. Some other suggested functionality includes:

  • Use the same skills interface and features to create learning labels with job descriptions.
  • Create learning pathways to get required skills for new hires. Guarantee a job to someone who successfully completes the pathway.
  • Create a series of learning labels for the onboarding of a new employee. This is already a suggested feature of this technology.

Finally, I am considering designing a standard display for job descriptions, like a learning label. This would allow for quick basis of comparison decisions on jobs, largely based on experience and first year application of skills. The value proposition is to give early career workers a platform to make quick choices in an increasingly project-based economy. But as said earlier, this type of representation would supplement, deeper job descriptions.