Skills Label Lingo

Wednesday, 04 July 2018 1840 Views

Skills Label has developed from a display for learning in tasks into a multi-faceted platform. It has advanced, separate interfaces for the two types of users: learning practitioners (administrators) and the learners (students and young professionals). Through development, some names have stuck for the different features and functionality:

Skill Label / Learning label is a patent pending standardized display for any learning task – activities, games, experiences, etc. There are similar types of displays for products and services, such as a nutritional label for food or a resume for professional experiences.

A standardized display in learning has many advantages: tracking learning across education and career stages; a basis of comparison between traditional and emerging learning resources; and portability across media (print, social, and internet).

Label Envelope is a responsive digital container including three items: an introductory icon, a label, and a credential earned upon completion.

Label Landing Page is a single page with the label, and all the features to effectively process it – share in social media, give feedback, navigate to the next one in a series, change file types, etc. - as shown in the image above.

Label Wizard 2.0 is the interface a practitioner uses to create a label – takes no more than five minutes. It is a single page with screens to navigate through the elements. Recently released version 2.0, which is a stable UI with powerful features (like bringing in a dynamic set of standards for absolutely any skill).

Label Dashboard is a tiled, drag and drop interface to manage the labels. The tiles are represented as the previously mentioned Label Envelope. On the right is an icon menu with features to make use of the label. The Label Dashboard has a similar framework for those creating the labels and using the labels, but has different functionality.

My Labels (dashboard for practitioners) allows for users to easily manage labels. Users can develop a series of labels based on performance (pass, progress, or fail or ten percentiles) and later view them as a hierarchical structure.

My Collection (dashboard for students and professionals) allows for users to assign labels into collections. Users can also view labels based on skills, and access a Skills Emblem.

Skills Emblem is a real-time, learning badge for a particular skill. Skill Points (based on a proprietary algorithm) are calculated instantaneously for completed and in queue tasks.

Finally, there are quite a few domains pointing to Skills Label. So, possible brand names include Learning Label, Education Label, Ed Label, or Skills Emblem.