Learning Labels Search iOS App

Wednesday, 01 May 2024 2330 Views

I would like to announce the release of Learning Labels Search iOS app. Use the app to search on content or a skill set to find and use learning, course and job labels. With the recent release of 300 learning and 120 job labels, there is an actual SERP for high school STEM and job titles in business, technology, and engineering, respectively.

There is functionality to use the SERP of each of the labels (most of them require a login):

  • Peer Review

  • Clone (Copy and Use)

  • Queue / Collect

  • Suggest

  • Email / Text PDF

I fielded some responses from initial reviews, essentially: “What to do if you don’t agree with a skill line item on the labels?”

With Job Label Templates, use them as a guide. When you create a Job Label, you change the parameters per the company, job, or project specification. You might add / remove skills. Job Label Templates are designed to aid and speed the process in generating a Job Label and summarize skill requirements.

With the Learning Labels, there is a skill by skill peer review process built into the app. Each of the factors that appear on a Learning Label get evaluated.