A Single Unit of Learning

Sunday, 02 February 2020 1568 Views

Find myself frequently claiming learning labels are the standard definition of a single unit of learning. I think the actual ‘definition framework’ is solid. Skills and their methods and properties are an effective medium to describe learning. Linking to education, higher education, and training standards anchor the expectations. There is also a full peer review process to verify their accuracy. So, I got to the second part of my observation: “what precisely is a single of unit of learning?”.

Is this verifying when learning takes place, on a granular level (micro-learning or earning a micro-credential)?

According to WikiPedia: “Microlearning is a holistic approach for skill-based learning and education which deals with relatively small learning units (might involve intervals between seconds and 15 minutes).” Create a learning label to designate target skills and related properties, fits well with this concept.

Is this a task, experience, or project? 

My inspiration for a learning label was to define the expectations and environment and ROI for a single task. As I was working in the Skills Based Approach application, I designed the label to represent learning for a task that everyone gets to use. This was just the inspiration; in the intervening years, I significantly evolved the concept to establish a much deeper integration.

In working with an LMS, a learning label is an ideal representation of an assignment. For example, the one-click link import of a learning label into Google Classroom is highly effective.

Working with a MOOC or online course, a learning label works well as a segment, usually a 5 - 10 minute lecture and then quiz to verify what is learned.

For a project, there is functionality to create a series of labels. Then, let learners navigate through the series based on their performance. 

Is this earning a credential (badge, certification, or course)? 

Working with a course, beyond the assignments, learning labels are effective to represent what is learned in a lecture. Or a learning label can represent what is learned in an entire course; during UI testing, this was the common example and recommendation by the participants.

The learning labels system includes the labels, quizzes (assessments) and grading, and badges (graphical representation linking back to the labels). Like with projects, learning labels get connected together in series. So, the process works for various forms of certifications too.

I am not sure there is an exact answer to the question of ‘what is a single unit of learning’. It depends; might be: the moment learning takes place; a learner passes basic expectations; a learner applies the skill in an experience (not on a Q/A test); or when a learner is capable to practice skills with repetition (as an authority). Regardless of the interpretation, a learning label or series of learning labels is a capable solution to define the expectations.

In filing three patent applications between 2016 and 2017, I established myself as a first mover in suggesting using skills and methods to define learning in this way – a holistic approach. These patents are currently under review with the United Stated Patent and Trademark office.